Note to Self: On the intersection of character and convenience
Some rules govern human brilliance. To illustrate: Do the right thing. Today is as important a day as any. It is potentially more historical than
Some rules govern human brilliance. To illustrate: Do the right thing. Today is as important a day as any. It is potentially more historical than
Today, many regard as leadership whatever they have observed and parroted from apparent role models wherever they may be – without much concern for quality! The primary
She stood up suddenly, gesturing toward her friends at their table, spilling the latte! “Why in the world do you work at a place you don’t truly love!
In reading some of the news from Warren Buffett’s Berkshire-Hathaway annual meeting, held in early May 2016, I was intrigued by two things. One, how
Earth Day began 46 years ago, is now observed in 175 countries, and has become the largest secular modern day holiday in the world. It is
The opening line in Edwin Starr’s 1970 Motown hit and protest song, “War, huh yeah, What is it good for? Absolutely nothing … !” asks
Are you particularly conscious of your leadership or is it an unconscious contradiction? Does this question intrigue you? Or offend you? Are you defensive, or
Coherence is a wonderful word. It refers to a logical, orderly and harmonious connectedness between parts, implying order in relation to any system, and nowhere
A great client and friend — one of the most extraordinary business-growth CEOs alive and a real people-first leader — has repeatedly observed: “Sadly, with
Transformation within workplace culture – even to improve leadership – often requires being disagreeable until the change happens. Within the workplace, we tend to lean
Email: bruce@fritchconsulting.com
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