Brexit and my grandson: A strategic lesson for business leaders
In the summer of 2016, my grandson was transforming his sense of self and his experience of purposeful fun with the help of professional soccer
In the summer of 2016, my grandson was transforming his sense of self and his experience of purposeful fun with the help of professional soccer
Whether we hurl the bigot’s slur or fail to protest the bigotry, humanity is insulted. The accountability for authentic leadership — informed by core human
Following is the transcript of the timely speech by the President of the United States. As an advisor, facilitator and coach to executive leaders for
Some rules govern human brilliance. To illustrate: Do the right thing. Today is as important a day as any. It is potentially more historical than
Insight is as close to a generative miracle in the workplace – a producible panacea – as anything I’ve discovered. By insight, I refer to
None of us truly knows the future. Those who have guessed right are thought to be sages or wizards; the world forgets all of their
Act to Be Heard! To find information on precisely how to contact the President of the United States, and your federal, state and local elected
The executive leaders of a large technology business recently “retired” a very senior executive who was well known to be disproportionately self-absorbed, harmful to the
The topic of sexual harassment in the workplace is so very important, and your role as an executive leader makes your inquiry the most appropriate
It is commonly accepted that trust and trustworthiness are core to team effectiveness. Who would dispute this? Yet, the high rate of disengagement in the
Email: bruce@fritchconsulting.com
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