Each of us has the ability right now to discern context in the table talk that shapes our leadership year. Context is “what it is about” — it is the space being filled, the theology for the thought or act or deed, the background that gives perspective and meaning, the paradigm. Context gives reason to intention. It is a consequential conversation in 365 parts.
Contextual clarity is a prerequisite to leadership effectiveness.

The truth can assemble itself in self-justifying stacks. We so desperately want our leaders to be meritorious, that we actively indulge in truth-bending political correctness to make their stack appear noble or innocent or righteous when too often they are simply selfish and corrupt. Is it any wonder that their stack gets larger and larger, while others fail to grow proportionately.
The culture of any organization is a series of coincidental agreements, and some of these are unconscious. While the C-Suites of American businesses and national governments everywhere may be regarded as overly adolescent, the responsibility is shared.
What are you willing to do to support leaders who do the right thing? Will you hang in there if they fail while honestly trying? What’s your 2012 leadership resolution?
When we are more committed as human beings to being of service to others and the Earth, our actions will emanate from a helpful spirit — and, naturally, from a constructive and truthful context.
[Adapted from the column, Life In The C-Suite in Charlatan Magazine (www.charlatanmagazine.com). My full article is entitled: “Occupy Context: Religion in the Office!”]